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(Live Demo username&password: "acl19demo". Note that it can be slow due to network delay, while it's much faster if you install & use AlpacaTag on local networks.)

AlpacaTag is an open-source web-based data annotation framework for sequence tagging tasks, such as named-entity recognition (NER). It is based on the awesome UI fraemwork doccano, while enjoys three distinctive novel features:

  • Active intelligent recommendation:
    It dynamically suggests tagging annotations samples the most informative unlabeled instances, with a back-end active learned model.
  • Automatic crowd consolidation:
    It enhances real-time interannotator agreement by merging inconsistent labels from multiple annotators.
  • Real-time model deployment:
    Users can deploy their models in downstream systems while new annotations are being made.

- Active Intelligent Recommendations for Tagging

- Real-time APIs for Accessing Back-End Model

- User Evaluation

- Automatic Crowd Consolidation

     author = {Bill Yuchen Lin and Dongho Lee and Frank F. Xu and Ouyu Lan and Xiang Ren},
     title = {AlpacaTag: An Active Learning-based Crowd Annotation Framework for Sequence Tagging. },
     booktitle = {Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Demo Track)},,
    year = {2018}