Data explorer

We create COCO-shift and Flickr-shift (based on COCO-captions and Flickr30k-entities) to study task-free continual learning. In both data streams, data distribution evolves gradually without clear boundaries.

COCO-shift data explorer

Hover on curves or images for details

At time step [[ time_step ]], models see examples about...

[[ example.task ]]

[[ example.task ]]

Caption: [[ ex.text ]]
Masked text:
VLBERT (online): [[ ex.preds.naive.join(" ") ]]
VLBERT (w/experience replay): [[ ex.preds.ER.join(" ") ]]
VLBERT (offline): [[ ex.preds.Offline.join(" ") ]]

Flickr-shift data explorer

Hover on curves or images for details

At time step [[ time_step ]], models see examples about...

[[ example.task ]]

[[ example.task ]]

Caption: [[ ex.text ]]
Masked text:
VLBERT (online): [[ ex.preds.naive.join(" ") ]]
VLBERT (w/experience replay): [[ ex.preds.ER.join(" ") ]]
VLBERT (offline): [[ ex.preds.Offline.join(" ") ]]